Although we keep hearing how the Internet is going to change our lives for the worse, this is not the case when it comes to HIV dating. In fact, the opposite is true. Long gone are the days of secrecy, shame and stigma, today it’s never been easier to find a partner if you’re HIV positive. The younger generations probably can’t even imagine how things were in the past. And they shouldn’t. We won’t dwell on the past but we will look into the bright future.
If you have HIV, the biggest problem when it comes to dating was the dreaded talk. The full disclosure you had to go through and the high probability of subsequent rejection. This is the reason why so many people simply gave up on the idea of dating. And this was very detrimental to their mental health. Living with HIV is already incredibly challenging but going through all of that all alone feels like an almost impossible task. Luckily, the community has helped people in the past and now it’s moved online.
There are numerous YouTube channels and websites dedicated to this topic with content creators covering all of the aspects with care and precision. There are also numerous HIV dating sites that will help you find the right person. Their design and features enable to make this process a fun and interesting experience. For example, if you’re shy, you have the flirt option on the HIV Dating Service website. That way, with a click of a button you can tell someone you like them.
Moreover, some may send you a flirt! Yes, just imagine how empowering and life-affirming that could be. We know it’s a simple flirt but it means a lot and there are a lot of people who are not receiving the love and care they should be receiving. So, these small gestures can go a long way. These sites are also places where you can make friends. You don’t have to fall in love instantly with someone. Sometimes it’s great just to find someone to talk to. Someone who understands you and who knows what you’re going through.